Anytime you got a woman that has a cacophony of flora on the derriere you go balls deep and creampie her fiery slit. I've slayed 'em raw for over 30 years and only been burned thrice.
Well young lady whilst you on your knees dripping cum I'm going to thrust my cock straight up your ass. When I can feel his cum on my balls I'll know I'm all the way in. Then I've got some little clips to put on those nipples before fucking your ass. Just as I'm about to deliver my full load up your ass the clips come off. Life surging back into your nipples will make them ultra sensitive. And you will probably grip my cock even harder resulting in a full load delivered deep up your ass
Porn actress named Skye Avery. Originally from Tampa, FL. Used to be lots of her vids with very, very super-rough sex on some other porn sites, but a lot of them have been pulled over the last few years. Too bad. She's the kind of skanky skank I enjoy watching being used roughly.